Tuesday, February 28, 2006
I went to the only nice local art store on Saturday to kill some time and pick up a couple things I needed. It turned out to be their yearly 40% off sale. THE ENTIRE STORE. Whoa! It's a good thing I had the girls with me because otherwise, left alone in an art store where everything was 40% off, I might have done some serious damage. As it is, I got a nice paper cutter (been needing one of those for years), some new paint (some fancy colors), some illustration board, new xacto blades, and some stickers to keep Sofia happy. What a deal!

Rosie and Rebecca got new blankets, courtesy of Grandma (that's me, for those not sure who Rosie and Rebecca are). I have some baby blankets to make in the near future, so I ordered some fabric samples. Not wanting to waste such beautiful fabric, I made these blankets for the girls' babies. Voila! I love making stuff.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

This post is really about Sofia. She has done this for a long time, and I always think it's so cute. She lines up her friends to sleep or eat or she'll line up some plastic spoons, or the little cat and dog figurines. I'll find these things all lined up somewhere around the house and I'll know that Sofia has been there. This morning, it looks like all her friends were lined up for some breakfast.
The other day Sofia asked, "Am I a kindergartener yet?" as she has before. I said, no, it's going to be a while before you're a kindergartener (Montessori school goes through kindergarten). So then she says, "When I'm a kindergartener, I'm going to be Sofia Caroline Kindergartener!"

Monday, February 20, 2006
Leaky Faucet = New Kitchen?
Well, not exactly. But since we were going to have to replace the faucet, which involves getting behind the ugly tile, why not just remove it, right? We picked out some paint for the walls and cabinets and we're going to do the countertop in a nice and cheap IKEA laminate. It won't be our dream kitchen, but it will be a huge improvement.
On the Maia walking front, she made a huge leap this weekend and is now toddling all over the place, S-L-O-W-B-U-T-S-U-R-E...
On the Maia walking front, she made a huge leap this weekend and is now toddling all over the place, S-L-O-W-B-U-T-S-U-R-E...
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Happy Birthday Maia!

Here she is, the birthday girl, at the park today. On her first birthday, she is not quite walking but has taken plenty of baby steps and is well on her way. She is saying words such as mama, cat (ga), and hi. She likes to hold the mobile phone to her ear and say "hi" which sounds more like "haee". She has her four front teeth on the top, three on the bottom and one molar just poking through. Her favorite foods are pears and bagels, and sometimes banana, apple, cheese, and avocado. But, she still doesn't eat much of anything. She and Sofia get into some real giggle and squeal fests playing peekaboo. They have the same murky blue eyes. What a crazy whirlwind year... Happy birthday, sweet Maia.