Sunday, November 28, 2004

This is Sofia waiting to be served - what a face! She managed to stay pleasant even through the pumpkin pie. Posted by Hello

We had a very nice meal that everyone enjoyed.  Posted by Hello

We had our first overnight visitors for Thanksgiving this year! Mommy/Grandma/Susie and Marc came on Wednesday and stayed for most of Friday. Here Sofia is enjoying Grandma's company. Posted by Hello

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

I think she must be some kind of genius. Posted by Hello

Monday, November 15, 2004

Chris worked hard this weekend digging the trenches for the sprinklers in the back and marking where we're going to put a stacked broken concrete wall. We found a contractor who will deliver broken concrete from his demolition jobs for free - what a deal! I did a lot of supervising. Sofia was a big help, too as you can see. On the potty training front, we made our first trip to the park since starting this business. Things seems to be going pretty well, but I wouldn't wish those first several days on anyone. Posted by Hello

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Want some? Posted by Hello

Sofia helped me make some homemade playdough. Some may remember the story how I had to throw the real Play Doh away a few weeks ago... Anyway, she likes the new playdough even though it is just beige (no food coloring!!@##$)  Posted by Hello

Saturday, November 06, 2004

We bought Sofia a great wagon with her birthday money from Grandma and Marc. She is having a blast wheeling it around and getting rides from Mommy and Daddy. It has seat backs that fold up from the center and seatbelts. As shown, it has the seats folded down with a storage compartment beneath the platform. I would say, they don't make 'em like they used to, but in this case, there are definitely some neat bells and whistles that they've added. Chris' only complaint is that you can't fold the handle back and use it as a steering wheel while you're racing down the hill in it - oh darn. Posted by Hello

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

One more cupcake for the year... Posted by Hello

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you... Posted by Hello

I made poached salmon with potato pancakes and applesauce for Sofia's birthday dinner. Posted by Hello

Sofia enjoying some new toys. Posted by Hello

Happy 2nd birthday Sofia! Posted by Hello

Later on, Sofia got a new easel from Mommy and Daddy. Posted by Hello

Mmmmm, cupcake. Posted by Hello

Greg played a set of special requests from Sofia. Posted by Hello

The singing cowboy, Greg, entertains the Silverlake/Los Feliz crew. Posted by Hello

What's Sofia doing? Posted by Hello

Riding on the big slide. Posted by Hello

And the best costume award goes to... Grandma and Grandad. Posted by Hello

Cassie and the balloons. Posted by Hello

This is Sofia's new friend Bijan. Posted by Hello

Teacher Liz and Sofia get caught up. Posted by Hello

Sofia's teacher Liz brought her a new horse. Posted by Hello