Saturday, September 30, 2006

Christmas in September

We're celebrating Christmas and birthdays a little early here. We bought a new camera. Wow. What a difference. Love it. We discovered that my old zoom lens (the one that went on all my college field trips and everything up until we went digital) is really dirty/hazy/fungussy, so we're using the 50 mm macro that came with my old camera. I never took time out from art and dance to take a photography class in highschool, but I'm determined to educate myself a little more about how all the settings work. Right now, we're just enjoying the super quick response and auto focus.

This morning we went on a walk at Malibu Creek State Park. Here are some photos:

In other news, I sold 3 kits at the conference but at Waldorf play group on Friday I offered them "at a discount" (whatever that means) to my friends as long as they would provide feedback for the next batch. I sold all but 2 now. Woohoo!


Blogger susie said...

Wonderful pictures! Could you send me a copy of the one of Sofia? I don't get new pictures of the kids very often anymore.

6:38 PM, October 02, 2006  

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