Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Birthday girl working with some of her new Montessori-like toys. Wow, three years old. Sofia is doing really well at school. We had our parent-teacher conference last week. Sofia is the youngest child at her school and she has made great progress in her first six weeks. She is starting to make some friends, not just parallel playing. She is learning all the rules and procedures and takes pride in doing things correctly (like pushing in her chair, sitting with crossed legs at group time, etc.) She is apparently one to watch to see how other kids do things and then starts doing them herself.  Posted by Picasa


Blogger susie said...

Happy Birthday, Sofia. You are a joy, a beautiful little girl and I am so looking forward to our next visit. Don't grow up too fast. Love, Grandma

8:47 PM, November 02, 2005  

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