Monday, October 22, 2007

Darn Wind

Sofia came to me on Sunday afternoon and said, "Mommy, there's a tree in our yard that we didn't plant". Well, not exactly, turns out this one just tipped over with the winds. We had to remove one of the pine trees in the front after our first winter here when it had rained a lot and we could see the ground bulging. Now we just have the one pine tree left (that is propped up by a metal rod) and another one of this type (not sure what they are). We may end up removing those too. Planting trees next to this retaining wall doesn't seem to be working out. Looks kind of naked out there. I'd hate to lose the pine tree, it provides some privacy from the street.

Oh and by the way, that's our lovely smoky air, not bad picture color. *cough*, *cough*

Sunday, October 21, 2007


Sofia telling stories on Saturday morning. She spent about an hour first telling the Pumpkin Moonshine story by Tasha Tudor and then improvising and making up her own stories. Such a little character.

Sunday, October 07, 2007


Aw, aren't they sweet. Just seconds before they were marching around, chanting, "Kill the witch! Kill the witch!" to the tune of "Kill the Beast" from Beauty and the Beast. We made the birthday hats yesterday to practice for Sofia's birthday party. We're going to have the guests make their own party hats.