Sunday, January 30, 2005

Who needs grass when you have all this mud? Posted by Hello

Sunday, January 23, 2005

37 weeks

By special request... 37 weeks. I know, it's huge. And yes, my belly, or the "orb" as I call it sometimes, has taken on a life of its own but it is of course still attached to me. Posted by Hello

Friday, January 21, 2005

Sofia asked for two pony tails today. I couldn't resist taking some pictures. Posted by Hello

Place your bets

So it turns out, I miss a couple things from work - one of them is the fun pools we did whenever someone was expecting a baby. So I decided to do my own. Here's the deal:

Email me your guesses, hunches, stabs in the dark for the sex and date of birth of our soon to be born second baby. I'm officially 37 weeks on Saturday, so any day from now through February 26th would be fair game. The official EDB is February 12th. The winner will be chosen first by a correct guess of the sex and then by the closest to the actual date of birth. For those of you with significant others, you may enter as a couple or separately. What's in it for you? A small token of my appreciation for participating, but don't get too excited, it will probably be worth less than $10. Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to test your psychic abilities!

Friday, January 14, 2005

This is Sofia's new bear "Daisy". She built her at the Build-A-Bear Workshop store and had a lot of fun - thanks Aunt Erin! Posted by Hello

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Hey, who's watching this kid? It's 55 degrees outside... Posted by Hello

Monday, January 03, 2005

Happy New Year!

Other end of the rainbow Posted by Hello

New Year's Day double rainbow Posted by Hello

Shealyn and her mommy. Posted by Hello

The pregnant lady. Posted by Hello

Cousin Logan was a good sport with Sofia. Posted by Hello

Sofia enjoys some new books from Grandpa and Katherine. Posted by Hello

We opened Christmas presents and Sofia caught on quickly to the little scooter Shelden & family got her. Posted by Hello

We spent New Year's Eve with my mom, Marc, Shelden & her family, and Erin. Maybe some day we'll get back to staying up for the fireworks, but not this year. Posted by Hello